
This is a list of my most relevant research projects. For a complete list of all my academic activities, check my Lattes CV or my Google Scholar profile.

Remote Analysis and Detection of Multifactorial Inputs for Detection of Stress

2015 to 2018 CNPq · HiS · UFFS · European Union

2018 to present UFFS

Improve the research in games by creating a model/software that is able to tell if a player is stressed/bored while playing a game. The process involves the analysis of information from the player (e.g. heart rate, respiratory rate, facial expressions) which are obtained by processing a video of the player. The procedure is completely remote, so the user does not wear physical sensors nor is interrupted during the game play.


Indoor Navigation for Visually Impaired

2015 to 2017 FAPESC

Visually impaired people face numerous obstacles in their process of inclusion in society. Computer vision can be used to improve the quality of life for those individuals, contributing to the accessibility of places they go and helping solve difficulties they encounter daily. This project proposes the use of computer vision and image recognition to help visually impaired people navigate indoors using previously collected metadata. The purpose is to create a guide system that can aid the visually impaired by getting information about rooms, ladders, elevators, among others.

Website Source code

Appification of Medical Reports

2013 to 2015 CNPq · Animati

This project aims to make Animati PACS available on mobile platforms. The project was developed by a multidisciplinary team with members from the Núcleo de Pesquisas em Imagens Médicas (NIMED) from PUC-RS, Laboratório de Computação Aplicada (LACA) from UFSM, and Federal University of Fronteira Sul (UFFS).
